一名拉斯维加斯警察被指控入室盗窃和跟踪骚扰。 A Las Vegas police officer is charged with home invasion and stalking.
拉斯维加斯大都会警察局警官杰克·弗里曼已被捕并被指控跟踪和入室盗窃。 Officer Jake Freeman, a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer, has been arrested and charged with stalking and home invasion. 指控包括严重跟踪、企图入室盗窃以及毁坏或伤害他人财产。 Charges include aggravated stalking, attempted home invasion, and destroying or injuring another's property. 弗里曼被分配到萨默林地区指挥部西社区警务部门,将被停职,带薪职权,等待进一步调查。 Freeman, assigned to the West Community Policing Division, Summerlin Area Command, will be suspended from police powers with pay pending further investigation.