两名水手死在悉尼的霍巴特游艇比赛中, 在恶劣天气中被帆起潮撞死。 Two sailors died in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race after being struck by sail booms in rough weather.
两名水手在悉尼到霍巴特游艇赛跑中死亡, Two sailors died during the Sydney to Hobart yacht race after being struck by sail booms due to wild weather conditions. 这些事件发生在飞鱼Arctos和Bowline两艘游艇上。 The incidents occurred on the yachts Flying Fish Arctos and Bowline. 尽管其他船员试图进行CPR,但这两个水手都无法复活。 Despite CPR attempts by fellow crew members, both sailors could not be revived. 澳大利亚Cruising游艇俱乐部表示哀悼,并指出比赛将继续下去,主要船只预计将在星期五或星期六抵达霍巴特。 The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia expressed condolences and noted that the race will continue, with leading boats expected to arrive in Hobart on Friday or Saturday. 这标志着自1998年以来的第一批死亡人数,1998年以来,这促使对比赛进行了安全改革。 This marks the first fatalities since 1998, which prompted safety reforms in the race.