坦桑尼亚首次向中国运送蜂蜜,标志着坦桑尼亚农产品出口增长。 Tanzania shipped its first honey to China, signaling growth in Tanzanian agricultural exports.
坦桑尼亚于12月26日将首批10公吨蜂蜜运至中国, Tanzania shipped its first 10 metric tons of honey to China on December 26th, marking a significant milestone in trade relations. 由一家中国公司采购的蜂蜜将在27天内到达威海港。 The honey, procured by a Chinese company, is set to reach Weihai Port in 27 days. 坦桑尼亚工业和贸易部长认为这是该国蜂蜜业潜力的证据,他引用坦桑尼亚养蜂的理想环境。 Tanzania's Minister for Industry and Trade sees this as evidence of the country's honey industry's potential, citing Tanzania's ideal environment for beekeeping. 这项出口的目的是向中国消费者提供天然产品,促进坦桑尼亚的农产品出口。 This export aims to deliver natural products to Chinese consumers and boost Tanzania's agricultural exports.