由于印度蜂蜜占据市场主导地位,尼泊尔农民面临国产蜂蜜卖不出去的困境。 Nepali farmers struggle with unsold local honey as Indian honey dominates the market.
由于当地生产的蜂蜜无法找到市场,尼泊尔农民陷入困境,一些农民考虑退出该行业。 Nepali farmers struggle as locally produced honey fails to find market, with some considering leaving the industry. 印度蜂蜜占据尼泊尔市场的主导地位,本土蜂蜜则卖不出去。 Indian honey dominates the Nepali market, leaving indigenous honey unsold. 农民要求适当的市场安排、公平的定价和销售产品的能力;尼泊尔养蜂人联合会警告说,人们会通过在加德满都街头洒蜂蜜来表示抗议。 Farmers demand proper market arrangements, fair pricing, and ability to sell their produce; Federation of Nepal Beekeepers warns of protest by spilling honey on Kathmandu streets.