由于气候变化和环境恶化,尼泊尔古老的采蜜传统面临着可持续性的挑战。 Nepal's ancient honey hunting tradition faces sustainability challenges due to climate change and environmental degradation.
气候变化和环境恶化威胁着尼泊尔古老的采蜜传统,影响了蜜蜂种群以及高价值蜂蜜的质量和数量。 Climate change and environmental degradation threaten Nepal's ancient honey hunting tradition, impacting bee populations and the quality/quantity of highly valued honey. 由于气候变化和不可预测的情况,采蜜人很难继续他们的传统习俗,年轻一代纷纷离开家乡去国外寻找收入更高的工作。 Shifting weather patterns and unpredictable conditions make it challenging for honey hunters to continue their traditional practice, with younger generations leaving for better-paid jobs abroad. 这项贸易的可持续性正面临风险。 The sustainability of this trade is at risk.