最高法院拒绝审理2011年SWAT袭击中房屋被毁坏的妇女的案件。 Supreme Court declines to hear case of woman whose home was destroyed in 2011 botched SWAT raid.
最高法院拒绝审理涉及一名妇女的案件,该妇女的住房在2011年的一次未遂袭击中被一支特警队摧毁。 The Supreme Court has declined to hear a case involving a woman whose home was destroyed by a SWAT team during a botched raid in 2011. 这名妇女Misty Anderson曾试图追究警察对损害的责任,但下级法院裁定对她不利,辩称这些警察可免于此类诉讼。 The woman, Misty Anderson, had sought to hold the police accountable for the damage, but lower courts ruled against her, arguing that the officers were immune from such lawsuits. 这一决定使她没有得到上级法院对其申诉的审查。 This decision leaves her without a higher court's review of her claims.