美国最高法院允许西尔维娅·冈萨雷斯继续对市长提起诉讼,认为她 2019 年的逮捕是出于政治动机。 US Supreme Court allows Sylvia Gonzalez to continue her lawsuit against her mayor, deeming her arrest in 2019 politically motivated.
美国最高法院允许德克萨斯州一名担任议员的女子西尔维娅·冈萨雷斯(Sylvia Gonzalez)继续对她的市长提起诉讼,她在 2019 年被捕后声称该市长的逮捕是出于政治动机。 The US Supreme Court has allowed a Texas woman, Sylvia Gonzalez, who served as a council member, to continue her lawsuit against her mayor after she was arrested in 2019, claiming the arrest was politically motivated. 法院裁定,联邦上诉法院对先前的判例“看法过于狭隘”,该判例控制了人们何时可以依据第一修正案提起报复诉讼。 The court ruled that a federal appeals court had an "overly cramped view" of an earlier precedent that controls when people may sue for First Amendment retaliation claims. 此次逮捕是在冈萨雷斯的竞选活动中进行的,她严厉批评了德克萨斯州城堡山市的市长。 The arrest followed Gonzalez's campaign in which she heavily criticized the city manager of Castle Hills, Texas.