俄罗斯在莫斯科和卡卢加的机场短暂关闭,在与乌克兰的紧张局势中干扰航班。 Russian airports in Moscow and Kaluga closed briefly, disrupting flights, amid tensions with Ukraine.
莫斯科的四个主要机场和卡卢加的一个机场被临时关闭,没有给出明确的理由,影响了国内和国际航班。 Moscow's four major airports and one in Kaluga were temporarily closed with no clear reason given, impacting both domestic and international flights. 俄罗斯联邦航空运输局后来解除了对莫斯科机场的限制,但没有说明卡卢加机场是否也重新开放。 The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency later lifted restrictions on the Moscow airports but did not specify if Kaluga Airport was also reopened. 关闭与俄罗斯指控乌克兰煽动攻击和逮捕嫌疑犯、包括未成年人同时发生。 The closures coincided with Russia accusing Ukraine of instigating attacks and arresting suspects, including minors.