俄罗斯摩尔曼斯克机场和空地北极机场因无人机威胁暂时关闭。 Russia's Murmansk and Apatity Arctic airports temporarily closed due to drone threat.
由于5月25日有报道称无人机威胁,俄罗斯在摩尔曼斯克和阿帕蒂蒂的北极机场暂时关闭. Russia's Arctic airports in Murmansk and Apatity temporarily closed due to a reported drone threat on 25 May. 机场在短暂关闭后恢复运营。 The airports resumed operations after a brief closure. 摩尔曼斯克地区具有战略意义,因为它拥有战略轰炸机的空军基地。 The Murmansk region is strategically significant as it hosts an airbase for strategic bomber planes. 自乌克兰战争开始以来,由于潜在的乌克兰无人驾驶飞机袭击,这些空域的关闭经常发生。 These airspace closures have been frequent since the start of the Ukraine war due to potential Ukrainian drone attacks.