美国驻基辅大使馆因俄罗斯可能发动空袭的警告而暂时关闭。 US Embassy in Kyiv temporarily closed due to warnings of a potential Russian air attack.
美国驻基辅大使馆于 11 月 20 日暂时关闭,因为警告称俄罗斯可能发动重大空袭。 The US Embassy in Kyiv temporarily closed on November 20 due to a warning of a potential significant Russian air attack. 大使馆指示员工就地避难,并建议美国公民准备好立即避难,以防出现空中警报。 The embassy instructed employees to shelter in place and advised US citizens to prepare for immediate shelter in case of an air alert. 此前,乌克兰使用美国提供的远程导弹打击了俄罗斯领土,普京降低了对常规攻击进行核反应的门槛。 This came after Ukraine used US-supplied long-range missiles to strike Russian territory, with Putin lowering the threshold for a nuclear response to conventional attacks. 关闭突显了不断升级的紧张局势和对更广泛冲突的担忧。 The closure highlights escalating tensions and fears of broader conflict.