近年来,菲律宾每月面临最大的预算赤字,这引起财政关切。 Philippines faces largest monthly budget deficit in recent years, raising fiscal concerns.
2024年11月,菲律宾面临2130亿比索的重大预算赤字,与10月的少量盈余形成鲜明对比。 In November 2024, the Philippines faced a significant budget deficit of 213 billion pesos, a sharp contrast from a small surplus in October. 这是最近最大的月度赤字,引起人们对财政政策的关切,促使对政府支出和税收战略进行审查。 This marks the largest monthly deficit recently, raising concerns about fiscal policy and prompting scrutiny of government spending and revenue collection strategies. 目前正在密切注视这一局势,以确定其对未来经济决策的影响。 The situation is being closely watched to determine its impact on future economic decisions.