巴基斯坦关于管理伊斯兰学校登记的法案,由于宗教派别的关切,已接近定稿。 Pakistan's bill to regulate madrassas registration nears finalization amid religious faction concerns.
《2024年社团登记(修正)法案》对巴基斯坦宗教学校的登记作出了规定,预计很快将完成。 The Societies Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024, which regulates the registration of madrassas in Pakistan, is expected to be finalized soon. JUI-F参议员Kamran Murtaza表示,该法案曾经受到总统的法律反对,很可能在今后两天内得到通知。 Senator Kamran Murtaza of the JUI-F stated that the bill, which had faced legal objections from the president, will likely be notified within the next two days. 该法案旨在允许宗教学校选择根据教育部或《社会登记法》进行登记,以解决不同宗教派别的关切。 The bill aims to allow madrassas to choose registration under either the Ministry of Education or the Society Registration Act, addressing concerns from various religious factions.