印度2025年《宗教基金修正法案》旨在赋予穆斯林妇女权力,确保宗教基金委员会中有更广泛的代表性。 India's Waqf Amendment Bill 2025 aims to empower Muslim women and ensure broader representation in Waqf Boards.
印度的《2025年宗教基金修正法案》旨在通过将穆斯林妇女纳入宗教基金理事会和理事会来赋予她们权力。 The Waqf Amendment Bill 2025 in India aims to empower Muslim women by including them in Waqf Boards and Councils. 它还确保更广泛的代表性,包括穆斯林OBC社区的成员,并承认Aghakhani和Bohra社区的独特需求。 It also ensures broader representation, including members from the Muslim OBC community, and recognizes the unique needs of Aghakhani and Bohra communities. 该法案保障妇女的继承权,并引入了Waqf财产的在线登记,但排除受信托法管辖的信托。 The bill safeguards women's inheritance rights and introduces online registration for waqf properties, while excluding trusts governed by trust laws. 它还允许对法庭的裁决向高等法院提出上诉,并建议非穆斯林成员包容。 It also allows for appeals to the High Court against tribunal decisions and recommends non-Muslim members for inclusivity.