英国三分之一的成年人更喜欢与鲨鱼游泳而不是受污染的当地水域,这突显出严重的污水问题。 One in three UK adults prefer swimming with sharks over polluted local waters, highlighting severe sewage issues.
萨凡塔最近对2 170名英国成人进行的调查发现,三分之一的人宁愿与鲨鱼游泳,而不是受污染的英国水域。 A recent survey by Savanta of 2,170 UK adults found that one in three prefer swimming with sharks over contaminated UK waters. 自由民主党的民意测验强调,去年,污水倾倒在传统游泳地点3,799次,共计24,433小时。 The Liberal Democrats' poll highlighted that sewage was dumped in traditional swimming spots 3,799 times last year, totaling 24,433 hours. 不断增长的污染,包括高浓度的E.大肠杆菌污染,导致节日游泳活动被取消,促使Lib Dem Tim Farron呼吁更严格监管。 Growing pollution, including high E. coli levels, has led to the cancellation of festive swimming events, prompting calls for stricter regulation from Lib Dem Tim Farron.