阿布扎比国际红树林会议强调保护红树林的全球重要性。 International mangrove conference in Abu Dhabi stresses global importance of mangrove protection.
第一次国际红树林养护和恢复会议在阿布扎比结束,强调红树林对环境和社会惠益的重要性。 The first International Mangrove Conservation and Restoration conference concluded in Abu Dhabi, stressing the importance of mangroves for environmental and social benefits. 会议强调了阿布扎比红树林倡议以及为红树林保护开展全球合作和供资的必要性。 The meeting highlighted the Abu Dhabi Mangrove Initiative and the need for global collaboration and funding for mangrove protection. 在巴林,王储主持了有关其红树林倡议的会议,重申该国致力于环境安全和碳中和。 In Bahrain, the Crown Prince chaired a meeting on their mangrove initiative, reaffirming the country's commitment to environmental security and carbon neutrality.