在数字广告和数据驱动战略的推动下,印度的营销部门出现9%的招聘激增。 India's marketing sector sees 9% hiring surge, fueled by digital ads and data-driven strategies.
一份新报告显示,在数字广告和数据驱动战略的推动下,印度的营销和广告部门雇用人数增加了9%。 A new report shows a 9% hiring increase in India's marketing and advertising sector, driven by digital advertising and data-driven strategies. 电子商务和FMCG等关键部门正在促进广告支出。 Key sectors like e-commerce and FMCG are boosting ad spending. 高需求角色包括SEO、市场研究和社交媒体专家。 High-demand roles include SEO, market research, and social media specialists. 新毕业生需要SEO、内容创造和分析方面的技能,以及沟通和创造力等软技能。 Fresh graduates need skills in SEO, content creation, and analytics, along with soft skills like communication and creativity. 孟买和班加罗尔是主要的雇佣中心,Gurugram和Pune也有增长。 Mumbai and Bangalore are major hiring centers, with growth also in Gurugram and Pune.