全球宗教骚扰创下历史新高,影响到192个国家,以基督教徒为主要对象。 Global religious harassment hits record high, affecting 192 countries, with Christians most targeted.
皮尤研究中心报告说,全球宗教骚扰事件创历史新高,198个国家和地区中有192个发生了此类事件。 The Pew Research Center has reported a record rise in religious harassment globally, with 192 out of 198 countries and territories experiencing such incidents. 186个国家的政府因宗教原因对个人进行骚扰,比前一年的183个国家有所增加。 Governments harassed individuals based on religion in 186 countries, a rise from 183 the previous year. 基督教徒面临的骚扰程度最高,166个国家报告了事件。 Christians faced the highest levels of harassment, with 166 countries reporting incidents. 骚扰形式包括财产破坏、袭击、拘留、流离失所和杀戮。 Forms of harassment included property damage, assaults, detentions, displacements, and killings. 美国是遭受政府机构广泛宗教恐吓的110个国家之一。 The U.S. was among 110 countries with widespread religious intimidation by government bodies.