中国和日本的部长们开会促进合作,而中国则批评美国向菲律宾部署导弹。 Chinese and Japanese ministers met to boost cooperation, while China criticized US missile deployment to the Philippines.
中国和日本外交部长于12月25日会晤,讨论如何加强双边关系,同意加强合作和谅解。 Chinese and Japanese foreign ministers met on December 25 to discuss enhancing bilateral relations, agreeing to increase cooperation and understandings. 他们还举行了一次会议,重点讨论人与人之间的交流,在青年、教育和媒体等领域达成了10项协议。 They also held a meeting focusing on people-to-people exchanges, reaching 10 agreements in areas such as youth, education, and media. 中国坚决反对美国向菲律宾部署台风导弹系统,认为这是对区域和平的威胁,并指责菲律宾违背不从事损害中国利益活动的诺言。 China strongly opposes the US deployment of the Typhon missile system to the Philippines, viewing it as a threat to regional peace and accusing the Philippines of breaking promises to not engage in activities harming China's interests.