菲律宾计划获取美国台风导弹系统, 与中国的紧张局势升级。 The Philippines plans to acquire the U.S. Typhon missile system, escalating tensions with China.
菲律宾军事计划收购美国台风导弹系统以保护其海上利益,这与中国的要求相重叠。 The Philippine military plans to acquire the U.S. Typhon missile system to protect its maritime interests, which overlap with China's claims. 尽管中国警告说这可能引发军备竞赛,但美国以前在菲律宾部署联合演习系统,留作训练之用。 Despite China's warnings that this could spark an arms race, the U.S. had previously deployed the system in the Philippines for joint exercises and left it for training purposes. 该收购旨在加强菲律宾的国防能力及其与美国的战略伙伴关系。 The acquisition aims to strengthen the Philippines' defense capabilities and its strategic partnership with the U.S. 关于购置时间和成本的具体细节尚未披露。 The specific details on the timeline and cost of the acquisition have not been disclosed.