一辆载中国游客的公共汽车坠毁在挪威的一个湖中,造成三人死亡,九人受伤。 A bus carrying Chinese tourists crashed into a lake in Norway, killing three and injuring nine.
一辆载有包括15名中国游客在内的约70名乘客的公共汽车坠毁在挪威北部洛福滕群岛的一个湖中,造成3人死亡,4人重伤。 A bus carrying about 70 passengers, including 15 Chinese tourists, crashed into a lake in northern Norway's Lofoten archipelago, resulting in three deaths and four serious injuries. 5名中国游客受到轻伤。 Five Chinese tourists sustained minor injuries. 这一事件由于恶劣天气而复杂化,导致所有乘客撤离,重伤员被空运到医院。 The incident, complicated by adverse weather, led to the evacuation of all passengers, with seriously injured individuals airlifted to a hospital. 对坠机原因的调查正在进行中。 An investigation into the cause of the crash is ongoing.