在魁北克省加拿大-美国边境附近,一辆公共汽车坠毁,造成机上40名乘客中十几人受伤。 A bus crash near the Canada-U.S. border in Quebec injured over a dozen of the 40 passengers on board.
一辆载有40名乘客的公共汽车于星期六晚上在魁北克东部城镇的加拿大-美国边境附近坠毁, A bus carrying 40 passengers crashed near the Canada-U.S. border in Quebec's Eastern Townships on Saturday night, injuring over a dozen people. 大多数乘客受轻伤,但约有15人住院治疗,其中两人伤势较重,不危及生命。 Most of the passengers sustained minor injuries, but about 15 were hospitalized, including two with more serious injuries that were not life-threatening. 事件发生在蒙特利尔东南约62公里处Saint-Armand的133号公路上,大约晚上8时30分左右。 警察怀疑,恶劣的天气和道路条件导致了坠机。 The incident occurred on Route 133 in Saint-Armand, about 62 kilometers southeast of Montreal, around 8:30 p.m. Police suspect that poor weather and road conditions contributed to the crash.