11月28日, 20人因一艘船在喀麦隆达拉克岛失事身亡, On Nov. 28, 20 people died as a boat capsized off Cameroon's Darak Island, with more casualties feared.
11月28日, 20人死亡, 一艘船在从喀麦隆远北地区的达拉克岛运送乘客时失事, On November 28, 20 people died when a boat capsized while transporting passengers from Darak Island in Cameroon's Far North region. 随着救援工作的继续,预计伤亡人数还会增加。 More casualties are expected as rescue efforts continue. 此次事故正在调查之中,它突显了通常由于超载、作业问题和恶劣的天气条件而在该地区乘船旅行的危险。 The accident, which is under investigation, highlights the dangers of boat travel in the area, often due to overloading, operational issues, and harsh weather conditions.