阿肯色州大学推出产妇保健仪表板,以改善数据的获取和结果。 University of Arkansas launches maternal health dashboard to improve data access and outcomes.
阿肯色州医学大学推出了名为阿肯色州产妇保健计分卡的互动仪表板,以改善孕产妇保健数据的获取。 The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences has launched an interactive dashboard called the Arkansas Maternal Health Scorecard to improve access to maternal health data. 该平台汇集多种来源的信息,以深入了解阿肯色州孕产妇健康问题。 The platform aggregates information from multiple sources to provide insights into maternal health issues in Arkansas. 该倡议旨在提高认识,鼓励利益攸关方之间开展合作,改善国家孕产妇健康成果。 This initiative aims to raise awareness and encourage collaboration among stakeholders to improve maternal health outcomes in the state.