俄克拉荷马州生育平等倡议组织以新名称庆祝成立5周年,扩大任务范围,以改善少数民族的产妇护理。 Oklahoma Birth Equity Initiative celebrates 5th anniversary with new name, expanded mission to improve maternal care for minorities.
俄克拉荷马州 " 生育平等倡议 " (前称 " 出生村 " )标志着其成立五周年,改名,并扩大了改善孕产妇保健,特别是少数民族妇女保健的任务。 The Oklahoma Birth Equity Initiative (OBEI), formerly known as The Birth Village, marks its 5th anniversary with a name change and an expanded mission to improve maternal health care, especially for minority women. OBEI旨在缩小差距,促进怀孕前、怀孕期间和怀孕后相互尊重的医疗保健。 OBEI aims to reduce disparities and promote respectful healthcare before, during, and after pregnancy. 在俄克拉荷马州,与白人妇女相比,黑人妇女面临与怀孕有关的死亡风险要高得多。 In Oklahoma, Black women face a significantly higher risk of pregnancy-related deaths compared to white women. 本组织计划扩大其服务,包括Doula支助和培训,以解决这些问题。 The organization plans to expand its services, including doula support and training, to address these issues.