德克萨斯州农村保健提供者寻求“复苏计划”改善50%以上的县的产妇不及格护理。 Texas rural health providers seek "Rescue Plan" to improve failing maternity care in over 50% of counties.
德克萨斯州的农村保健提供者呼吁“农村得克萨斯州产妇保健救援计划”解决农村孕产妇护理系统失灵的问题,因为近一半的县没有提供产科服务。 Rural health providers in Texas are calling for the "Rural Texas Maternal Health Rescue Plan" to address the failing rural maternity care system, where almost half of counties offer no maternity services. 该计划建议提高医疗补助的支付率,鼓励保健提供者在农村地区工作,并全面改善妇女获得保健服务的机会。 The plan proposes increasing Medicaid payment rates, incentivizing healthcare providers to work in rural areas, and improving overall women's health care access. 它还旨在简化医疗补助的入学手续,并为农村地区的医科学生提供更多的培训机会。 It also aims to simplify Medicaid enrollment and provide more training opportunities for medical students in rural areas.