密歇根立法者重新提出“母亲法案”, 以减少产妇保健方面的种族差距。 Michigan lawmakers reintroduce "Momnibus" bills to reduce racial gaps in maternal healthcare.
密歇根州立法者正在重新推出“母亲法案”一揽子法案,旨在解决孕产妇保健方面的种族差异。 Michigan lawmakers are reintroducing the "Momnibus" bill package, aiming to tackle racial disparities in maternal healthcare. 这些法案力求加强数据报告,扩大对怀孕者的公民权利保护,并扩大对怀孕的医疗保险覆盖面。 The bills seek to enhance data reporting, extend civil rights protections to pregnant individuals, and expand Medicaid coverage for pregnancy. 去年参议院通过了类似的努力,但由于政治原因停滞不前。 Similar efforts last year passed the Senate but stalled due to politics. 随着共和党人现在控制众议院,赞助者,包括Sen. Sarah Anthony,正在收集故事,与双方接触,争取两党的支持,强调必须在影响妇女保健的问题上达成共识。 With Republicans now controlling the House, sponsors, including Sen. Sarah Anthony, are gathering stories and engaging both parties to secure bipartisan support, emphasizing the need for common ground on issues impacting women's healthcare.