不断上涨的家庭保险和财产税现在消耗了美国许多房主每月按揭付款的一半以上。 Rising home insurance and property taxes now consume over half of monthly mortgage payments for many U.S. homeowners.
不断增加的家庭保险和财产税成本正在给美国房主带来财政压力。 Increasing home insurance and property tax costs are putting financial pressure on U.S. homeowners. 由于自然灾害损失和修理费用增加,保险费率上升,而财产税随着住房价值的增加而增加。 Insurance rates have risen due to natural disaster losses and higher repair costs, while property taxes have increased with home values. 9月,平均单家庭抵押贷款的32%用于税收和保险,这是2014年以来创历史新高。 In September, 32% of the average single-family mortgage went to taxes and insurance, a record high since 2014. 在一些地区,至少四分之一的借款人将月度抵押贷款的一半以上花在这些费用上。 In some areas, at least a quarter of borrowers spend more than half of their monthly mortgage on these expenses. 就全国而言,9%的单身家庭抵押贷款现在在税收和保险上支出一半以上,而2014年这一比例不到4%。 Nationally, 9% of single-family mortgages now spend over half on taxes and insurance, up from less than 4% in 2014.