由于海伦飓风和米尔顿飓风的影响,美国红十字会紧急寻求灾害志愿人员和捐血者。 American Red Cross urgently seeks disaster volunteers and blood donors due to Hurricanes Helene and Milton impact.
由于飓风海伦和米尔顿的影响,美国红十字会紧急呼吁派遣灾害志愿人员和献血者。 The American Red Cross is urgently calling for disaster volunteers and blood donors due to the impact of Hurricanes Helene and Milton. 威斯康星州南部安排了献血活动,献血者可以拨打 redcrossblood.org 或致电 1-800-RED-CROSS 进行预约。 Blood drives are scheduled in Southern Wisconsin, and donors can make appointments at redcrossblood.org or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. 本组织通过多个州提供至关重要的服务,依靠志愿者和公共支助满足灾民的需求,维持全国的血液供应。 The organization provides vital services across multiple states, relying on volunteers and public support to meet the needs of disaster victims and maintain the national blood supply.