警方在印度Thane墓地附近调查12岁儿童被谋杀的排水沟死亡和逮捕嫌疑犯。 Police investigate drain death and arrest suspect in 12-year-old's murder near graveyard in Thane, India.
在马哈拉施特拉邦Thane,当局正在调查在排水沟中发现的一名45岁男子的死亡案,而一名嫌疑人因谋杀一名12岁女孩而被捕,据称该女孩被绑架,在墓地附近被发现死亡。 In Thane, Maharashtra, authorities are investigating the death of a 45-year-old man found in a drain, while a suspect has been arrested for the murder of a 12-year-old girl who was allegedly kidnapped and found dead near a graveyard. 警方正在等待验尸报告,以确定是否有必要提出额外指控。 Police are awaiting a postmortem report to determine if additional charges are warranted. 在另一起事件中,一名审前囚犯在一所监狱医院袭击一名家庭警卫,导致对他提出多项指控。 In a separate incident, an undertrial prisoner assaulted a Home Guard at a jail hospital, leading to multiple charges against him.