65岁的男子因阻止在阁楼发现妇女尸体后进行合法埋葬而在诺丁汉被捕。 65-year-old man arrested in Nottingham for preventing a lawful burial after woman's body found in attic.
65岁的男子在诺丁汉被捕,罪名是阻止在一间平房阁楼发现一名妇女的尸体后进行合法埋葬。 65-year-old man arrested in Nottingham for preventing a lawful burial after a woman's body was discovered in a bungalow attic. 该妇女死于自然原因,嫌疑人已获得有条件保释,等待进一步调查。 The woman died from natural causes, and the suspect has been released on conditional bail pending further investigation. 警察将留在该地区,与当地社区交谈,进行调查,提供保证。 Police will remain in the area to speak with the local community and conduct inquiries, offering reassurance. 将为验尸官准备一个文件 A file will be prepared for the coroner.