骑摩托车的武装分子在巴基斯坦Shangla的警察哨所杀害了两名军官,打伤三人。 Militants on a motorcycle killed two officers and wounded three at a police post in Shangla, Pakistan.
摩托车上的武装分子袭击了巴基斯坦Shangla的警察哨所,打死两名警官,打伤另外三人,然后逃离。 Militants on a motorcycle attacked a police post in Shangla, Pakistan, killing two officers and wounding three others before fleeing. 这次袭击是在该区域好战活动剧增的情况下发生的,大多数事件都归咎于俾路支省和巴基斯坦塔利班的分离主义分子。 The attack comes amid a surge in militant activities in the region, with most incidents blamed on separatists in Balochistan and the Pakistani Taliban (TTP). 11月的一次自杀爆炸在Khyber Pakhtunkhwa的Bannu造成12名安全人员死亡。 A suicide bombing in November killed 12 security personnel in Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 阿富汗塔利班的盟友但独立团体TTP被官员怀疑。 The TTP, an ally of the Afghan Taliban but an independent group, is suspected by officials.