新奥尔良重新开放O'Keefe大道, 稳定了部分倒塌的特纳厅。 New Orleans reopens O'Keefe Avenue after stabilizing the partially collapsed Turners' Hall.
12月14日路易斯安那州人文捐赠会部分倒塌后, 新奥尔良重新开放了欧基夫大道的行人通道。 New Orleans has reopened pedestrian access on O'Keefe Avenue after the partial collapse of the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Turners' Hall on December 14. 城市机构、消防局和LEH领导人共同努力稳定大楼,使当地企业得以恢复营业。 City agencies, the Fire Department, and LEH leadership worked together to stabilize the building, allowing local businesses to resume operations. Swoops和Willa Jean等企业恢复营业,而Helis基金会John Scott中心仍关闭。 Some businesses like Swoops and Willa Jean are back open, while the Helis Foundation John Scott Center remains closed. SP+在12月30日前提供贴现停车位,以支持受影响的企业。 SP+ is offering discounted parking to support affected businesses through December 30.