新奥尔良大楼的一部分倒塌,迫使疏散和关闭附近街道。 Part of a New Orleans building collapsed, forcing evacuations and closing nearby streets.
新奥尔良中央商业区的一座三层建筑于12月14日部分倒塌, A three-story building in New Orleans' Central Business District partially collapsed on December 14, causing bricks to fall onto nearby sidewalks. 路易斯安那捐赠大楼位于O'Keefe大道和Lafayette街,经过墙壁裂开和移动后被疏散。 The Louisiana Endowment Building on O'Keefe Avenue and Lafayette Street was evacuated after experiencing wall cracking and shifting. 附近居民被建议自愿离开。 Nearby residents were advised to leave voluntarily. 包括新奥尔良消防局和NOPD在内的当局正在检查该场地,该地区仍然为安全起见关闭。 Authorities, including the New Orleans Fire Department and NOPD, are examining the site, and the area remains closed for safety. 倒塌的原因至今仍不得而知。 The cause of the collapse is still unknown.