苏黎世名列Mercer外籍人士生活质量排名第一, 而叙利亚则因冲突而排名低。 Zurich tops Mercer's quality of living ranking for expatriates, while Syria ranks poorly due to conflict.
Mercer的《生活质量报告》将瑞士苏黎世列为外籍人士的顶尖城市,因为它的生活水平、安全和服务水平都很高。 Mercer's Quality of Living Report ranks Zurich, Switzerland, as the top city for expatriates due to its high standard of living, safety, and services. 西欧城市占前十名,包括维也纳和日内瓦。 Western European cities dominate the top 10, including Vienna and Geneva. 报告考虑了医疗保健、教育和政治稳定等因素。 The report considers factors like healthcare, education, and political stability. 在另一端,叙利亚面临持续的冲突,使叙利亚对移居国外者的选择很差。 At the other end, Syria faces ongoing conflicts, making it a poor choice for expats. 这项研究对全球450多个城市进行了评估,目的是指导海外侨民选择他们的下个家。 The study evaluates over 450 cities globally, aiming to guide expatriates in choosing their next home.