在比林斯,有人死于公寓火灾;原因和身份不明,正在调查。 Person dies in apartment fire in Billings; cause and identity unknown, under investigation.
星期六12时30分左右在比林斯发生的公寓火灾中,有一人丧生。 A person died in an apartment fire that broke out around 12:30 a.m. Saturday in Billings. 一名居民看到大火和抵达的应急车辆。 A resident saw the fire and the emergency response vehicles that arrived. 死者的身份和火灾原因仍然不明,比林斯警察局正在对此进行调查。 The identity of the deceased and the cause of the fire are still unknown and under investigation by the Billings Police Department.