在俄亥俄州Elyria发生的一起致命的房屋火灾 导致圣诞前夕一人死亡 调查正在进行中 A fatal house fire in Elyria, Ohio, claimed one life on Christmas Eve, with investigations ongoing.
俄亥俄州Elyria在圣诞节前夕早晨遭到致命的房屋火灾,其中一人被发现死在家中。 A fatal house fire struck Elyria, Ohio, on Christmas Eve morning, with one person found dead inside the home. 火灾在凌晨3时左右爆发,消防员搜查了被淹没的房屋,但救不了个人。 The fire broke out around 3 a.m., and firefighters searched the fully engulfed house but could not save the individual. 俄亥俄州消防局正在调查火灾原因 受害人的身份还有待确认 The Ohio State Fire Marshal is investigating the cause of the fire, and the victim's identity has yet to be confirmed. 另据报告,邻里住宅也遭到损坏。 Damage to neighboring homes was also reported.