马尔代夫提出可持续金枪鱼延绳捕鱼条例,引起对鲨鱼保护区和当地工业的关切。 Maldives proposes sustainable tuna longline fishing regulation, raising concerns over shark sanctuary and local industries.
马尔代夫政府已提出一项规章草案,以便根据严格的可持续规则重新开放金枪鱼延绳钓渔业。 The Maldives government has proposed a draft regulation for reopening its tuna longline fishery under strict sustainability rules. 草案包括关于强制性船只定位装置、电子监测系统和船员安全措施的规定。 The draft includes provisions for mandatory vessel locating devices, electronic monitoring systems, and safety measures for crew members. 然而,国际科学家和养护团体警告说,新条例可能威胁马尔代夫鲨鱼保护区的地位,影响当地渔业和旅游业。 However, international scientists and conservation groups warn that the new regulation may threaten the Maldives' shark sanctuary status and impact local fisheries and tourism. 利益攸关方正在审查该条例草案。 The draft regulation is under review by stakeholders.