教皇弗朗西斯敦促艺术家利用他们的才能 在梵蒂冈圣诞音乐会上促进和平 Pope Francis urges artists to use their talents for peace at Vatican Christmas Concert.
教皇弗朗西斯敦促2024年梵蒂冈圣诞音乐会的音乐家和艺术家成为“和平天使”, 利用他们的才能促进团结与和解。 Pope Francis urged musicians and artists at the 2024 Vatican Christmas Concert to be "angels of peace," using their talents to promote unity and reconciliation. 他强调了音乐促进圣餐的力量,并将音乐会的希望主题与即将到来的禧年联系起来。 He emphasized music's power to foster communion and linked the concert's hope theme to the upcoming Jubilee Year. 教皇强调了信仰和慈善在维持希望方面的作用,并要求听众祈祷并致力于和平。 The Pope highlighted the role of faith and charity in sustaining hope and asked for the audience's prayers and commitment to peace.