圣保罗合唱团的女儿们带着他们的"来伯利恒"圣诞音乐会参观美国大城市。 The Daughters of St. Paul Choir tours major U.S. cities with their "Come to Bethlehem" Christmas concert.
以通过媒体传播福音而闻名的宗教团体圣保罗合唱团的女儿将于今年12月在纽约、波士顿和新奥尔良参加每年一度的圣诞音乐会“来到伯利恒”。 The Daughters of St. Paul Choir, a religious group known for spreading the Gospel through media, will tour with their annual Christmas concert "Come to Bethlehem" in New York, Boston, and New Orleans this December. 这些表演旨在帮助观众与圣诞的真正意义重新联系起来。 The performances aim to help audiences reconnect with the true meaning of Christmas. 该小组于1915年在意大利成立,一个多世纪以来,一直通过音乐和其他媒体分享其信息。 Founded in 1915 in Italy, the group has been sharing its message through music and other media for over a century.