据 eBay 报道,澳大利亚人通过转售不需要的圣诞礼物可以赚取高达 10 亿澳元的收入。 Australians may earn up to $1 billion by reselling unwanted Christmas gifts, eBay reports.
根据 eBay 的研究,澳大利亚人在这个假期出售不需要的圣诞礼物可以赚取高达 10 亿澳元的收入。 Australians could make up to $1 billion by selling unwanted Christmas gifts this holiday season, according to eBay research. 去年平均收到两份不想要的礼物,其中 52% 的人计划出售它们。 An average of two unwanted gifts were received last year, with 52% planning to sell them. 科技配件和时尚物品经常出售,尤其是 Z 世代和千禧一代。 Tech accessories and fashion items are commonly sold, especially by Gen Z and millennials. eBay 的 Zannie Abbott 指出,这种做法减少了浪费并确保礼物找到了新家。 The practice, noted eBay's Zannie Abbott, reduces waste and ensures gifts find new homes. 金融专家托尼·卡沃利 (Tony Cavoli) 建议不要超支,敦促仔细制定预算以避免假期财务压力。 Financial expert Tony Cavoli advises against overspending, urging careful budgeting to avoid holiday financial stress.