在印度尼西亚亚齐,天主教徒们根据严格的伊斯兰教教法庆祝了节制的圣诞弥撒。 In Aceh, Indonesia, Catholics celebrated a subdued Christmas mass under strict Sharia law.
在印度尼西亚亚齐省,执行严格的伊斯兰教法,天主教徒在班达亚齐圣心天主教堂为500名礼拜者举行了节制的圣诞节夜弥撒。 In Indonesia's Aceh province, where strict Sharia law is enforced, Catholics held a subdued Christmas Eve mass at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Banda Aceh for 500 worshippers. 禁止街头装饰,但教堂内装饰着圣诞树、童话灯和合唱团。 Street decorations are banned, but the church was decorated inside with a Christmas tree, fairy lights, and a choir. 尽管由于过去对基督徒的袭击,安全情况十分紧张,但天主教徒报告说,特别是在2004年海啸之后,宗教宽容与共处良好。 Despite tight security due to past attacks on Christians, Catholics reported good religious tolerance and coexistence, especially following the 2004 tsunami.