泰国安装了新的海啸探测浮标,将警报时间缩短到仅5至7分钟。 Thailand installs new tsunami detection buoys to cut warning times to just five to seven minutes.
泰国正在加强海啸警报系统,安装探测浮标,作为全球深海海啸评估和报告网络的一部分。 Thailand is enhancing its tsunami warning system with the installation of detection buoys as part of the global Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) network. 这些浮标监测地震信号和水位,通过配备警报器和扩音器的130个警报塔网络发出预警。 The buoys monitor seismic signals and water levels, providing early warnings through a network of 130 alarm towers equipped with sirens and loudspeakers. 居民还收到快速疏散的短信警报。 Residents also receive SMS alerts for quick evacuations. 该系统将2004年海啸发生前的15至50分钟的警告时间减少到今天的5至7分钟。 This system has reduced warning times from 15 to 50 minutes before the 2004 tsunami to just five to seven minutes today.