印度将在11月5日进行一次全国海啸模拟演习,以改进备灾工作。 India will conduct a national tsunami mock exercise on November 5 to improve preparedness.
11月5日,印度海啸预警中心(印度海啸预警中心)将与国家灾害管理局合作,举办一次全国海啸模拟演习。 On November 5, the Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC) will conduct a national tsunami mock exercise in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). 该演习模拟苏门答腊北部9.3级地震,目的是测试海啸警报程序,改善公共准备。 Simulating a 9.3 magnitude earthquake in Northern Sumatra, the drill aims to test tsunami warning procedures and improve public preparedness. 在2004年印度洋海啸发生20周年之际,这一活动将使各国各机构参与,并将加强通信战略和复原力。 Involving various national agencies, the exercise will enhance communication strategies and resilience, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.