对于1959年出生的人来说,2025年社会保障的全额退休年龄提高到66岁零10个月。 Social Security's full retirement age rises to 66 years and 10 months in 2025 for those born in 1959.
2025年,社会保障的全额退休年龄将上升,延长了领取全额福利的时间。 Social Security's full retirement age will rise in 2025, extending the time to receive full benefits. 对于1959年出生的人,年龄将增至66岁零10个月。 For those born in 1959, the age will increase to 66 years and 10 months. 个人可在62岁开始领取减少的福利金,同时等到70岁才能增加补助金。 Individuals can start receiving reduced benefits at 62, while waiting until 70 increases the payout. 即将到来的生活费调整为2.5%,如果信托基金在2033年之前枯竭,则福利可能下降21%。 The upcoming cost-of-living adjustment is 2.5%, and if the trust fund runs dry by 2033, benefits could drop by 21%.