社会保障福利在1月得到2.5%的提高,根据出生日期支付时间。 Social Security benefits get a 2.5% raise in January, with payments timing based on birthdates.
2025年1月,社会保障受益人的生活调整费用将增加2.5%,使平均月付款增加约48美元。 In January 2025, Social Security recipients will receive a 2.5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase, raising average monthly payments by about $48. 支付时间表因出生日期而异,在1997年5月之前领取津贴的人于1月3日领取支票。 The payment schedule varies by birthdate, with those receiving benefits before May 1997 getting their checks on January 3. 其他人则根据出生日期领取付款,1月8日、15日或22日分发。 Others receive payments based on their birthdate, with distribution on January 8, 15, or 22. 2024年12月31日,由于节假日,将支付SSI付款,通常是第1次付款。 SSI payments, usually on the 1st, will be made on December 31, 2024, due to the holiday.