苏格兰副第一大臣将消除儿童贫穷作为优先事项,圣诞卡收入帮助慈善。 Scottish Deputy First Minister prioritizes eradicating child poverty, with Christmas card proceeds aiding charity.
苏格兰副部长约翰·斯温尼强调,消除儿童贫困是苏格兰政府在圣诞节致辞中的首要优先事项。 Scottish Deputy First Minister John Swinney emphasized eradicating child poverty as his government's top priority in his Christmas message. 他感谢紧急救援工作者、武装部队和志愿者, 并宣布他的圣诞卡收入将支持援助苏格兰儿童和家庭的慈善“儿童第一”组织, He thanked emergency workers, armed forces, and volunteers, and announced that proceeds from his Christmas card, featuring a Loch Faskally photo, will support charity Children First, which aids Scotland's children and families.