David Letele提名社区大使为南奥克兰有生病子女的家庭筹募80 000美元。 David Letele named Community Ambassador to raise $80,000 for South Auckland families with sick kids.
David Letele被任命为Middlemore基金会第一个圣诞节Kidz运动的社区大使,旨在筹集80 000美元,支持南奥克兰家庭照顾具有复杂健康需求的儿童。 David Letele has been named the Community Ambassador for the Kidz First Christmas campaign by Middlemore Foundation, aiming to raise $80,000 to support South Auckland families caring for children with complex health needs. 资金将创造难忘的圣诞节经历,并全年提供基本物品。 Funds will create memorable Christmas experiences and provide essential items year-round. 捐助者可以通过在运动网站增加虚拟装饰或捐赠玩具和礼品作出贡献。 Donors can contribute by adding virtual decorations to the campaign's website or donating toys and gifts.