RDIALer是一个AI自动驱动工具, 用来提高企业效率和参与。 RSoft Technologies unveils RDialer, an AI auto-dialer tool to boost business efficiency and engagement.
RSoft Technology已经启动了RDIALER,这是一个AI驱动的自动驱动器,旨在提高商业效率和客户参与。 RSoft Technologies has launched RDialer, an AI-driven auto-dialer aimed at improving business efficiency and customer engagement. 该工具与1 500多个应用程序相融合,具有个性化电话识别、实时分析以及可扩缩性等特征。 The tool integrates with over 1,500 applications and offers features like personalized caller ID, real-time analytics, and scalability. RDIALER旨在帮助各行业的企业加强经营,免费提供。 RDialer is designed to help businesses across various industries enhance their operations and is available in a free version.