新斯科舍的圣诞树抵达波士顿 感谢城市提供1917年的爆炸援助 Nova Scotia's Christmas tree arrives in Boston, thanking the city for 1917 explosion aid.
来自新斯科舍省的第53届圣诞树 已经抵达波士顿公区, 一个45英尺高的白色树苗 象征着对波士顿援助的感谢 在1917年哈利法克斯爆炸之后。 The 53rd annual Christmas tree from Nova Scotia has arrived in Boston Common, a 45-foot white spruce symbolizing gratitude for Boston's aid after the 1917 Halifax explosion. 开树仪式定于12月5日举行,延续1918年开始的传统。 The tree-lighting ceremony is set for December 5, continuing a tradition that began in 1918. 这棵树来自休和丽兹·瑞安在新斯科舍的地产 将在节日期间展出 The tree comes from Hugh and Liz Ryan's property in Nova Scotia and will be on display through the holiday season.