洛杉矶中央图书馆用柑橘标签装饰圣诞树, Los Angeles Central Library decorates Christmas tree with citrus labels, highlighting local agriculture.
洛杉矶中央图书馆将圣诞树装饰成印地安帝国柑橘水果的标签, 给节日展出增添了独特的当地口味。 The Los Angeles Central Library has decorated its Christmas tree with labels from Inland Empire citrus fruits, adding a unique, local flavor to the holiday display. 这种创造性地使用柑橘标签的做法庆祝了该地区的农业遗产,并增加了图书馆节日的季节性触摸。 This creative use of citrus labels celebrates the region's agricultural heritage and adds a seasonal touch to the library's festivities.